We all know fear and most people can deal with it well. It becomes a phobia if you panic and no longer dare to do things. Anxiety can cause shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, trembling, sweating, nausea, etc. As a result of anxiety, you can move less freely, you may avoid things that make you extra anxious, or you may do all kinds of things to avoid feeling anxious. to feel anxious.
You speak of trauma when it comes to memories of unpleasant or even shocking events that keep coming back and that can seriously hinder your daily functioning. This can range from nervousness to frightening images, re-experiences, flashbacks, nightmares and all kinds of behavior such as avoidance, fleeing or clamming up.
Physical complaints can also arise due to fears, phobias and trauma. Various techniques can be used in the treatment of trauma, such as trance, EMDR and IEMT. Which technique is used depends on the type of fear, phobia or trauma and your physical complaints.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) are so-called SWIPE techniques with which trauma and shocking events can be processed in a very effective way. During the session, the client considers the most charged memory. At the same time, the therapist stimulates the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This can be done, among other things, by moving a stick with a ball back and forth in front of the client’s eyes. These forms of therapy are very effective and are mainly used after experiencing serious events, such as sexual abuse, traffic accidents, acts of war, assault and robbery. But they are also effective in solving phobias. They can also be used to reduce the urge for the addictive drug in case of addiction.